Veronika, ‘s Next Broadcust 14 October ^^ 13:00 London time the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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Veronika, ‘s Next Broadcust 14 October ^^ 13:00 London time, 21 y.o.


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20 thoughts on “Veronika, ‘s Next Broadcust 14 October ^^ 13:00 London time the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Why is now the moment to tell her all that? What are you hoping to achieve? Honesty is great, but not to the complete detriment of the other person and their feelings. Sometimes honesty and complete honesty are two different things.

    I don't want to tell her immediately, but after a few weeks while I think it through I want to, both to unburden myself and let her know. It's selfish, I know, but I don't know how to handle it without at least telling her I need to distance myself.

    As for your other paragraph, you are completely right, and that's what I'm most afraid of. Even if we are so close, I completely understand she would feel 'icky', as you put it. Perhaps it would be best to tell her as short as possible that I need time for myself but I can't help but feel I want her to know how I feel. That's why I'm asking for an outside perspective and I don't think I'll tell her anything yet, as I'm still very emotional.

  2. You don’t “attract”, you literally picked this dude and all of your other relationships too.

    “Attract” makes it sound like its out of your control. It’s not. It is literally you who pick these men.

  3. Stay away from him until you are ready to see him. The timetable is yours not his. Stop being forced into having sex with him because he thinks you should.

    Every time you have sex you’re just confusing yourself because sex is so intimate it should only be done when you feel safe and you love him. At the moment you don’t.

    If you’re not ready by the time the baby is born, so what? You’re going to need all the support you can get and if you’re back home with him all that will happen is your husband will make emotional demands on you and harangue you into being back to what it was.

    In fact once the baby is born maybe HE should move out and you have the routine and home comforts where you need to be, not sleeping at your parents house with a newborn.

    Your husband should be doing everything he can to apologise and make amends to you and all I am reading is him dismissing the pain and insults he has piled on you as if it’s nothing.

  4. Yeah, in the last 2 months I stopped asking again, after the first 'later' to not pressure her. I wrote that part, because that was the usual case before.

  5. You make it sound like they would just disappear like Thanos just snapped at them or something?

    They will still exist, he’ll still be a loving father and they will still be his very legitimate children (except for the one you spawned through cheating) the only difference between pre and post divorce for him is that he doesn’t have to share the bed with a cheater and liar that is trying to turn him against his family which is trying to protect him.

    Monster. Like you said “god knows the truth” and he’s historically not been very kind on liars or adulterers lol

  6. Oh this telenovela will be good, getting my popcorn ready! The fog is thick here! Legends will be sung in the YouTube relationship sphere about this story!

    What is that update bot again?

  7. Break up with him, and if he does in fact make your life a living hell, escalate it legally if it makes logical sense and/or talk to your landlord to get out of the lease. You can't feel unsafe in your own home. Good luck.

  8. Sorry if this is too straight forward but. What you wrote, for any human to deal with, what you suffer from and mental health is going to be too much for them.

    You are not at all ready for a relationship and its clearly driving him to depression.

  9. You’ve spent a full year teaching him that you will do all the work; now you’re upset that he expects you to do all the work.

    This isn’t complicated, you just have to woman up and stop acting like an argument is the worst thing in the world.

    Why are you so afraid of having a fight about this? You’re choosing to live amongst piss and shit rather than risk upsetting this delicate flower of a boyfriend?

    Stop doing his chores, stop cooking his meals, stop washing his clothes, stop cleaning his cat’s piss and shit. Tell him straight forwardly that he cannot live! in your house if he’s not going to pull his weight.

    Why does he need to be protected from your feelings? Will the reality of the stress and exhaustion and anger he’s causing you cause him to disintegrate or something?

    Woman up. Stand up for yourself and your sanity. Stop babying this grown man.

  10. My mother in law is the major cause of my divorce. We were married for 20 years. You did the right thing going with your gut instincts. Regardless of “who said what,” if you continued the relationship, she would always be “in bed” with you two. My ex had a strange relationship with his mother and she had influence over the marriage. My regret is that I didn’t leave sooner.

  11. Cut her loose now I mean if she's doing this now what else is she gonna sabotage for you she's jealous for whatever reason if your friend is bad-mouthing you it's not a friend I can promise you it's only going to get worse from here I would just stop answering her phone calls or text I always have an excuse for plans definitely end that friendship. If you even want to call it that


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