Victoriawelss online sex cams for YOU!

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18 thoughts on “Victoriawelss online sex cams for YOU!

  1. My ex husband and I had sex maybe once every 8 months. When we did have sex I usually didn't orgasm. I left because he was threatening me and stealing my money. I thought my bf and I were on the same page. We talked all the time about our compatability. Since he moved in though it wasn't what I expected. It's still amazing though.

  2. I would start more subtle.

    While record shopping, move close to see what he's looking at, pick up an album you like and put it in his hands, touch his shoulder as you move behind him. See how he responds to those touches and then you could definitely pull a hand hold.

  3. He's not an alcoholic. He's a pisshead.

    There is a big difference.

    He'll choose booze over you, and then go on to blame you for leaving him.

    He's a fucking loser.

    You can be an alcoholic and still love the person you feel closest to.

    You can't be in love with a person and describe them to anyone as “fat and ugly”.

    You are the one who enables his addictions.

    He merely “tolerates” you as a means to an end.

    If he even thinks of you that way, never minds shouts about it down the phone, he is a disgusting human, and you need to get away from him.

    He is a lost cause. Fuck him out of your life and find a nice person instead.

  4. Hello /u/moonyme94,

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  5. Thank you for your detailed response. I like hearing all perspectives so I appreciate that.

    He doesn’t have many friends he only has a few close friends, that’s why when I found out he made a new friend I was happy for him.

    I agree you’re only hearing one side of the story, so it puts him at a disadvantage.

    Yes they’re countless cheaters in the world but I can’t do anything about that, this one is close to home, as I said before this is something I would want to be informed on, so I have a chance to help this person to understand what kind of person he’s dating. Even if it was a male friend of my fiancé’s I would feel the same. The person deserves to know.

    I do have things I need to figure out about myself and my relationship.

  6. Your bf is awful

    Are you sure you want to be with a guy who cares so little for you that he can’t even bother to have an irl conversation with you? Who doesn’t care that you’re depressed? Who constantly tries to invalidate your emotions?

  7. Look, in that situation you need to be explicit. Whoever you're wanting something other than the “standard” move in together, get married, have kids you need to be very very explicit. “I'm NEVER having children, if I accidentally get pregnant I'll abort it, you will absolutely not be changing my mind about this” level of explicit.

  8. I once took a gerontology class and one of our assignments was to do a life history of someone over 70. I chose my dad. To make it easier, I divided it into three interviews (for lack of a better word) where I did his childhood in one, his early to mid adult years next, then finally his retirement years. I learned a lot about my dad and now that he's gone, I still have that life history that I can go back and read. You could do something similar and you might find out a lot you didn't know about your grandma and perhaps gain some new perspective on your relationship with her.

  9. You have said it is a dealbreaker for you.

    So end it. It's as simple as that.

    Don't claim that something is a “boundary” for you, then act surprised when someone keeps crossing it, even though you have done nothing to enforce it. If you are going to say something is a dealbreaker, then you need to be prepared to actually follow through on it.

  10. As I told you yesterday when you posted this and then deleted your account:

    here is zero reason why a court would give custody of this child to your husband. His brother was not the girls father, and he wasn't married to the kids mother, so there is zero reason why she would go to your custody instead of someone she is actually related to.

    That being said, if your husband for some reason tries to fight to get custody of this kid, then that will be the end of your marriage. You can't have a Childfree life when you have a child.

    But since you keep making new accounts to post this, I'm assuming you're just tr0lling for attention.

  11. I'd set up a dating profile and match with him ??‍♀️ now we both in trouble ?

    But the friends telling you he won't do anything he just 'testing' are idiots.

    Of course he going to do something you don't go on there to find knitting clubs.

    It's for hook ups.

    You need to confront him, that why he doing it.. you know and your still hiding in the corner hoping it will go away. Stop getting walked over confront him and throw him out.. show him there are consequences to his actions.

  12. My husband is too. He likes to play guitar while I sing along. I am mediocre at best, but we have fun together and he never judges my voice.

  13. The “some cases” where a parent can voluntarily terminate their rights are basically…

    To permit a legal adoption of the child by a new non-biological parent

    The end.

    You can't do it because you didn't want the child, don't want to support the child, or even if the custodial parent tells the other parent they don't need to be involved.

    The court can also terminate parental rights if the parent in question is a danger to the child (physical or sexual abuse, criminal neglect). But that's probably one you'd not consider a good strategy.


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