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24 thoughts on “VipOnlyShow on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. I don’t think you need someone in your life right now. Focus on your studies. Once you’ve graduated and gotten a job, you need to seriously consider therapy. This may be something thing with time and work, you can fix but for now? No.

  2. I have controlling parents and can tell you, your family will only continue this behaviour. Ask yourself this: who are you living your life for? Your family or your future self?

    Imagine they pull this stunt with your wife. Will you allow your future wife to be subjected to their behaviour because she didn't see the table to their standards or some other trivial thing?

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  4. OP, I don't understand. Does “talking to” mean dating these days? I have been married for 19 years so perhaps I am out of the loop on these things?

    If you are just interested in her but not dating yet…I don't think you necessarily need to block someone. Are you upset because you are interested in her and she had sex with someone? I suggest telling her how you feel rather than block her in that case. Now…if you think she is being too permiscuous by getting drunk and sleeping with someone with whom she's not involved … then yes, by all means I would block the person. She definitely isn't concerned about diseases which is a problem today.

  5. One main thing you need to focus on is not the fact that she has money but she lost her mother. Think about the person that you love most in this life. I'm going to hand you a check for several million and I'm going to put a bullet in that person's brain. Is that a fair trade? No???? Why not? You said she got handed this money? This is the same thing right? I'm not saying she earned the money. What I am saying is you're being calloused by thinking of it as being just handed to her. Depending on her relationship with her mother, she probably didn't want a penny of that money. She would much rather have her mother back. Forget the money. Think of your friend.

  6. He is emotionally abusing you.

    Giving someone the cold shoulder or icing someone out like this is definitely abuse and he wants to see how much of it you'll put up with.

    He's only going to escalate and has no interest in being a good partner to you.

  7. Im a hobbyist writer and completely agree. While its certainly my cup of tea just the absurd nature of the whole thing isn’t him exploring that for himself as much as trying to appeal to that sort of audience. That audience is there unfortunately.

    If he wanted to make an “edgy” game that goes right up to the line of too much, that’s it sadly.

    A bunch of people are going to jump to worse case scenario and use all the latest terminology of shade but I think, while disturbing, isn’t anything more than what he said, a game design that jumps into tasteless because he’s not wrong. In the AVN world, sex sells and the more raunchy the fantasy, the likely bigger bucks.

    Just tell him it sucks and he better not explore those themes again because going that dark isn’t worth the money

  8. I was married to someone like the BiL. His jokes were never really funny and he wanted all eyes on him at all times. These people exist and are nightmares to deal with.

  9. There’s never a good time. In a way it is cruel for her as she thinks you still love her and want a relationship. She’s going to notice eventually and likely to be even more angry when you tell her

  10. We do live by many white families with adopted Asian children and the adopted children outperform the bio kids so maybe that’s where his bias is coming from

    You should have included this in the post.

  11. Its kinda ridiculous the admins dont clamp down on the amount of nasty fetish posting that occurs on here. This is a so INCREDIBLY obvious work of fiction.

    No one that actually had this happen to them without consent would describe the duct tape with extra details like how it was shiny. The both of them pretending to be straight. The convenient timing of their break ups. Describing how slowly the tape was taken off. All so obviously fake.

    This pervert is hoping people PM him and they talk about this jack off fantasy further.

  12. YOU WANT TO STILL HAVE KIDS WITH THIS MAN? I feel like you’ll be the wife that “ignores” him raping chikdren.

  13. You chose your new family over your daughter. You're a horrible father. Your daughter will go no contact with you, but you're such a doormat to your new wife that you won't care. You're destroying your daughter. You don't even deserve to be a father, you spineless, pathetic man.

  14. That’s huge fucking violation of trust. Fuck that, if that were my sisters, I’m looking at jail time. What he did is extremely wrong and fucked up. He’s 30 for crying out loud. He knows what he did is wrong. You need to leave him and talk to the police about it. That is not ok in the slightest in any world, whatsoever!

  15. Good point. He is trying to find someone willing to pay him $700 to make sure she has an orgasm too.

    That actually makes more sense as a scam.

  16. hey OP i empathise, the job market in london right now is disgusting and you dont deserve the downvotes because people think you should just take ANY job when even retail/f&b aren’t really hiring atm.

  17. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I wasn’t wearing green. I wasn’t jumping up and down. He just looked at me and straight up said to my face that I looked like a frog. I was flabbergasted and got mad at him. So to unscrew his screwed up ass, he searched live to try and find a list of celebrities who are considered gorgeous that are compared to frogs. He managed to scrape a few up, but I still wasn’t convinced and called up on his bullshit, asking what kind of boyfriend compares their girlfriend to a frog. When I think of a cute animal, a frog doesn’t exactly pop into my head. When I didn’t accept his apology, he got MAD at me for being “sensitive” and taking his words so “seriously”. I then had to apologize when I was the one who got hurt. This happened weeks ago, but it’s still affecting me now. Even when I put all my effort into how I look, the small voice in my brain keeps telling me “he thinks you look like a frog”. So now, it’s like, what’s the point of dolling up when he thinks so of me? Even if he compliments me now, it all sounds fake to me. But that wasn’t the only time he was insensitive with what he said. There was another instance when he said I looked pretty enough for him to kiss and have sex with me. I couldn’t even get mad at him right away because I knew he’d get angry at me for me being so sensitive. Will I be able to get over this, and if so, how? Dated a little over 3 months.

    Tldr: Boyfriend says I look like a frog and I can’t get it out of my head. Can it be overlooked and if so, what can I do to overlook it?

    Edit: Whoa whoa I didn’t expect there to he a plethora of frog lovers to be reading my post at this time of day. Just to make it clear, I don’t hate frogs!

    Edit2: Also, me being mad at him did not equal me screaming at him or making a dramatic scene. It equalled me being upset and sort of going into a down mood and telling him it bothered me alot. I hope that clears some misinterpretation of my phrase:”mad at him”

  18. We met 6 years ago. She became my gf 3 years ago. In the three years prior to her becoming my gf, I would say we were just acquaintances. Whom I had gone with was never brought up until after we paid for everything. Maybe I should have told her? I didn’t think it was a big deal.

  19. That was terribly cruel of them and if they didn’t really want to do it, they should have said so.

    I feel awful for your fiancé, but if she wants friends to do things like this for her, she should have made the effort to be friends with these women instead of relying on your history with them. Friendship is a two way street and she shouldn’t expect much so much from people she’s not close to.

    She’s not an AH for this, but maybe needs some therapy to learn how to make friends.


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