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17 thoughts on “Wencysex69 online sex chats for YOU!

  1. Tbh it sounds more like raising a child than Dom sub when you say it like that.

    I'm highly functional and a huge problem solved on my own. I don't need anyone telling me to do x or y for myself.

    The Dom sub dynamic imo should not ever bleed into personal life, and remain in the boundary of relationship and sex.

    If all she does is listen to commands, how would she ever survive when the relationship fails. One should be a full person with a functional lifestyle before becoming a full time submissive.

  2. When was the last time you were intimate or initiated intimacy? It sounds like he is feeling neglected and misses his youthful vigor and stride. Also you mentioned for obvious reasons, what are they? Please don’t tell me you are withholding intimacy to correct this behavior which is psychologically abusive right?

  3. Love doesn't excuse terrible behavior. He seems sorry only because he wants you to drop it. He is blaming you.

  4. Literally send him a text saying it's over, the way he's treated you doesn't merit anything more than that. This gross horny dude you've known less than a year is not the love of your life, I promise.

  5. We never directly said “I am getting you a gift,” but they did directly ask me to get them a few things a few weeks ago and I've been talking about needing to wrap things for them for a few days. They had many opportunities to tell me if they didn't want to do gifts

  6. Ah, the old “sex could be better and I know what I like so let's practice less and not talk about it.”

    Works every time. It sounds like having a mutually satisfying sex life is a need for you. She appears happy getting everything else. My guess is that leaves you feeling used- like she enjoys her quality of life and status due to dating you (“out of her league”) but isn't into you, per se.

    Be honest with her that you want to improve your sex life together. If she basically tells you she doesn't care how good or bad you are as long as you pay the rent and look good on IG, then feel free to break up. Not addressing this will not help, and not addressing issues is a totally legit reason to leave.

  7. I kinda hope he might change his mind and just accept the offer I made to pay for everything I took from him

    Yeah cus drug dealers can have a change of heart when it comes to love lmao. Dude you robbed him! He’s probably plotting and scheming ways to get his revenge.

    I just don’t want to get into…

    Dude you’re in it already. Your best way of dealing with it is being honest and tell her about your past and explain to her that you turned your life around. She has to make the choice of staying with you or not.

    My advice don’t stick around it’s not worth it. the brother is gonna find ways to ruin the relationship or worse.

  8. Also, how can you trust this woman not to just tell your wife? You're not her best friend. She is. She has opportunities to tell her and you will always be the husband that kept it secret. Just tell your wife.

  9. Do not take a lack of communication as communication. You stated that you know he's bad at it. Send him a clear message. Text him that if he is interested in more than being texting friends, he will show up at your house this Saturday no earlier than and no later than and to let you know today if he can't make it. When he's there, let him know that if he's interested in you, you will expect him at your place every Saturday with a Sunday optional until he wants more. Tell him you are booking his time and he'll need to either cancel with you for emergencies or cancel the relationship, because dating requires dates and you have chosen Saturday for them.

  10. It might happen that your mother was raised like you and grown up not knowing how to take care of herself or worst take care of a child.

    But you have more access to information and awareness and can break this cycle.

  11. Okay, as a radical feminist, that is absolutely not true. I love ethical porn. Ethical porn is empowering to the women who make it. Lots of women that make ethical porn would label themselves radical feminists. You are greatly misinformed.

  12. Sounds like she’s ok to manipulate and lie about really big things. Whether she’s pregnant or not, is this who you want to spend more time with? I’d cut my losses now. If she’s pg handle that when it comes. She might be sweet, but I think she sounds like a scary b$%ch.


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