Whites-emma live! sex cams for YOU!

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30 thoughts on “Whites-emma live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. … You shouldn't be with anyone who shames you over masturbation. Even if you weren't masturbating, the fact that he's ready to shame you for it at the drop of a hat is NOT okay. Don't apologize to him. You've done nothing wrong.

  2. There are plenty of men and women who don't rely on porn and actually know how to use their imagination.

    Anyone who says they NEED porn is an addict

  3. Can you start looking for a group home for disabled people? A shared home would hopefully be cheaper than living on your own with disability.

    And can you separate from him while still living together? Tell him you refuse to be responsible for him anymore – from now on, he's on his own and can deal with his own issues – you've tried your best and are done running headlong into a wall. If you have a 2-bedroom apartment, put a mattress in the other room and sleep there, and separate your household from his – take care only of yourself and your stuff, let him deal with his own shit. Spend afternoons out of the house to get away from his miasma – at the local library, e.g. I don't know if you can take small jobs, or if that would interfere with your disability payments, but maybe there is something you could do for a few hours a week, that would get you among people and would give you some spending money.

  4. You have been extremely vague on the reasons for going NC for any meaningful advice.

    If the reasons for the fallout are indeed as petty as you say, then I would make contact. My father died when I was 26, and we never know how long we have with our parents and you probably won't have any big regrets meeting him but more chance of having regrets not meeting him.

  5. Even if it was tampons you didn’t do it on purpose! He has no right to scream at you. He will scream at you again if needed? That’s a threat, believe him! He sounds unstable and like a real mean person who doesn’t even try and control himself. Screw him! I would pack up and leave ASAP!

  6. It seems you have no trust in her on account of her multiple lies, and this is taking a toll on you. I wouldn't be with someone I don't trust and that continuously makes me feel bad.

  7. I can't see a future with him

    He deserves to know this. Dont string him along. If he's looking for a serious relationship, you're just wasting his time at this point. Let him fine someone does want that future.

  8. You feel lied to and don’t trust him because you WERE lied to and SHOULDN’T trust him.

    Why don’t you want to cut him out of your life? If someone lied to me and broke my trust in the way he has, I’d be happy to cut them out. What is your hesitation?

    Finally, if you stay with him (which I hope you won’t) be aware that you are telling him that it is okay to cheat and get other girls pregnant (meaning no protection) and he WILL do it again.

  9. Bringing past garbage up from years ago (particularly events that happened before her) does not make for a healthy relationship. You shouldn't have to keep apologizing for it either.

  10. Woman of 38 years here. I would be weirded out. As in, I would feel almost… violated? Stalked? Like someone stared at me for hours and drew several pictures of me without me knowing… that would freak me out and I would wonder if you're obsessed or a stalker. It would make me stay far, far away from you.

    If you two were close friends, it would be different. But with your absolute lack of interactions, this is hella creepy.

  11. his behavior is fine and quite normal actually, its the fact that it doesnt work for ur view of what a relationship should be. if this is a dealbreaker, rethink the relationship lol bc im sure he’s not gonna stop watching porn

  12. His first thing to do after you communicate why this hurt you and wanted a divorce was to invalidate your feelings? Nah. Divorce his ass. Love yourself first.

  13. Op, please tell me you have not had unprotected sex with this woman, since she became pregnant, please?!

  14. It's ok for him to experiment but stealing your clothes is not ok at all. He has to return the clothes or give you money to replace them. I just don't understand why he would steal your clothes rather than buying whatever he wants to try on.

    Also I would recommend you to make sure he's not sending these videos to anyone.

    Don't let him cheat on you or steal from you.

  15. Hey! This totally becomes normal with time. I (24F) have been with my partner (24M) for nearly 4 years. The first year was very exciting with lots of attraction and chemistry. Intimacy came very easy. Over time we've gotten so used to each other that the majority of that has died down. It's kind of like holding your own hand and expecting it to feel like holding someone else's but your body is like “no this is my own, I feel neutral.” But that feeling is with your partner. I find doing a lot of activities and things apart on a regular basis increases the feelings of longing and desire, but if we engage in enough foreplay it also helps in increasing overall attraction and excitement. Best of luck – 8 months isn't super long and you're still v young so if this feeling doesn't go away maybe it wasn't meant to be! There will always be more fish in the sea.

  16. I mean don’t press him on the issue. Sometimes people make things up or stretch the truth to make themselves look or feel better.

  17. It sounds like your wife never moved on from her ex.

    You're lucky you don't have kids right now, if you're a one person household. Why is she working against you and not with you?

    She's spending like she's earning money that can be spent, she's not supporting you in anyway. This is the most important thing, if you had kids would you be happy with her treating them like this?

    Please, do not let this woman be the mother of your children. You deserve better, and so do your kids.

  18. You throw him out. Listen, when the hospital rumors are getting back to you, things are way out of control. He's already lied by omission to you once, that you know of.

    Leave or make him leave until this can be fully sorted out. He's at minimum contemplating cheating. Very sorry for you but this is not good at all. Do you have family or friends to call in to help you asap?

  19. You don’t, you had your chance, you blew it. You only want her because she’s moved on. Let her be with someone who will know what they’ve got. Move on and consider this a very valuable lesson in life

  20. This is adorable.

    Congratulations, you have a girlfriend. May you have a long and happy life together. ?

  21. What do you think about yourself that makes you think you don't deserve better than this whiner??

  22. Girl I’ll be honest I did not even read the whole thing. The way I would DUMP this man and his gross shit so fast!!!

  23. As someone who has major trust issues from my whole damn life NO

    Trust issues does excuse this major violation of personal privacy.

    Also no, it’s not strange to keep old photos. In life we sometimes can still be nostalgic over our past and as long as you aren’t still in an unhealthy place (such as ready to abandon current relationships for past ones) then it’s fine.

    Her behavior is extremely controlling including the way she’s making you question your reality and yourself.


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