William the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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William, 23 y.o.


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17 thoughts on “William the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Definitely normal. My wife and I took the time to identify and vocalize to each other our concerns as “where would we have problems if we were to have them” or “what's the biggest difference between us that would cause friction?” I'm much more intense in all aspects (passionate, excitable, sad, angry, affectionate) and she's very reserved and keeps her emotions in check. We both were able to recognize that we would intend to work on these things, but the likelihood we will ever match there is very low. If we start having issues, it usually stems from that incongruence. But be sure the cards are on the table. Your spouse is someone you should allow to have full visibility into your heart. If you can't trust him with that, it's not okay. If you can, it's time to get hitched.

  2. There's absolutely nothing wrong with addressing what you want, so i would say that you should go for it and ask him that question.

    If he doesn't like it, he will let you know.

    Either way you win, you won't waste your precious time and so will he.

  3. Words are cheap, do not trust them. Look at her actions and how she treats you, that’s the truth. Does she still seem so fantastic? Is this the relationship you want? And where is your self-respect?

  4. Nope and i should be.

    I'm getting help for my own issues tomorrow, ironically. I've never been formally diagnosed but I went to therapy before and I was told i almost certainly have an anxiety disorder and likely depression.

  5. I've been with my fiancée for just shy of 10 years. Since I was 24 and he was 37. We just got engaged a year and half ago and I'm in no rush. He is what's important, we've had ups and downs, time to cultivate and grow our relationship. Your only 22. 5 years from now you'll be different. It comes with life to mature, for your desires and needs to change etc. Their is nothing wrong with taking your time. You both are still learning each other. Marriage is committing yourself to one person for the rest of your life. At 22 you (everyone) don't realize how long life really is. Enjoy being 22, experience life do things.

  6. You should talk to her about this and also take a step back. My husband has chronic pain and I bent over backwards trying to be there for him in every way possible – but then I started feeling resentment. I had to tell him that while I know he is struggling so nude every single day, my side is rarely acknowledged and seeing someone suffer every day while taking complete care of the home is destroying me mentally.

    He took it hot at first, and we fought a little. But I couldn’t keep helping him while watching myself whither away. So I took a step back and started working on my mental and physical health. He just had to deal with his and I’d help him with things he absolutely couldn’t do.

    It’s actually helped so much. I feel like I’m gaining my life back and he’s taking initiative on living a healthier life. He’s starting PT and visiting specialists and working on his mental health around the pain. It’s helping me mentally to see him in a better state of mind and not fixated on his pain and (bluntly put) negativity. He still isn’t able to walk much so our adventures are still on hold too, but I know he is working on ways to restore that in our relationship… even if the adventures don’t look the way they used to. He’s thinking outside of his injury (tattoos he wants. Trips to take together etc.) we’re having sex, he’s making dinner all while managing his pain.

    I wouldn’t give up. I would tell her every single thing you just told us. Be incredibly honest and I know it’s hot because you don’t want them to feel like a burden. But sometimes they need a little push to regain control over their life. When I was sick mentally my husband told me he’d always be here for me, but I really need to get my life together because it’s damaging our relationship. And I did. Just be honest. As her husband, you have to hold her accountable. That’s what partners are for.

  7. You deserve every word that your son told you. You put a man over your relationship with your child. Shame on you

  8. Either have your affair or them out completely. There is no middle ground with an emotional affair.

  9. Screaming at you silences you and allows him to avoid taking accountability for his actions while also providing him with power and control over you. A fully realized adult doesn’t need to abuse their partner so they can “win”. All the best for your safety and happiness

  10. He is hitting on her…my opinion. Almost anyone you meet will have a boyfriend or girlfriend. I’m older…would barely pay attention to that if a woman I found attractive spent 45 minutes chatting, gave me her number and shared a drink from your bottle of Jack???

    I’m with you…she’s likely sent mixed signals as in maybe she’s interested and he’s pursuing a possibility.

  11. What you did is abusive. It's not a “prank”. You instigated an argument and then hit him. If I were you I would apologize profusely, hope he forgives you, and never do that again.

  12. I can understand the occasional outings with coworkers but, with it being her birthday you definitely should have been invited. You’re her husband and that should have been a given. To exclude you is very disrespectful. You two need to talk. Heck, show her your post and the comments. That alone shows that you aren’t alone in the way you’re thinking about this situation.


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