X C u t e L u n a x on-line webcams for YOU!

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Welcome October! Spxxky and sexy. This pumpkin deserves some punishment , > Spank for 8 tk! ? Goal: Sloopy blowjob [198 tokens remaining]

26 thoughts on “X C u t e L u n a x on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. It was a test to see if you were going to be his doormat when he moved out to you. If you still stand up to him and expect your feelings to matter, then he has to break you down more

  2. My condolences for your losses. I understand why you don’t want to leave your wife. No one else in the world would understand your grief as she does, and having to endure it alone honestly sounds nightmarish. You are both clearly traumatized and if the counseling you are undertaking is not proving sufficient, please put whatever resources you can into investing into the highest quality psychological care and support you can afford and manage. This is unimaginable pain you two are experiencing, and while it is shared, it is experienced individually and uniquely by each of you. Enjoy every moment of peace together, every laugh and beautiful sunset and sunrise. Speak freely and rely on one another. It will get better. God be with you

  3. So I (f26) went through my boyfriends (m36) phone yesterday

    I stopped right here. If you're going through his phone then you have no trust in him and really need to move on to someone where you don't have to try and catch them out.

  4. Thanks alot. Like, really. What I meant by “I knew it” a bit differently. I know what she does there and what kind of people are there. I knew that some things happen, but most of the times its just eyes and cheesy lines towards her. The

  5. Sounds like your girlfriend has OCD. I believe there are effective treatments for OCD available now, is she able to see a psychiatrist?

  6. While I don’t agree with Kate fully, I think you have to understand where she’s coming from. Someone here replied that Kate is just looking for something to be “outraged about” and that she isn’t interested in nuance. Well I don’t think Kate would jeopardize the friendship simply because she wants something to be outraged about. I think Kate’s feelings are valid given the history not only of black face but the mockery of black skin in predominantly light skin countries. Not to sound stereotypically woke or anything but I think Kate’s stance is valid but at the same time that doesn’t make it correct/right.

    Kate now has to realize that Lana isn’t being disrespectful and is cosplaying as a anime character. If Lana was painting her whole body then that’d be somewhat questionable. But Lana’s tan is naturally hers.

    Anyways I get your guys’ dilemma not sure what the answer is except I think if you wish to save your friendship it’s good to have a non argumentative talk in order to clear the air

  7. And this is why you never stop having individual bank accounts.

    A joint account or many joint accounts to manage the relationship finances, but everyone should have their own bank account, that their own money goes into, and the amount needed to cover the relationship expenses gets transferred out.

    While I get you did what you did because he didn’t have any money, and you thought you were fixing the situation and that it would be reciprocated by him in the future when he got a job, all you did was make him financially dependent on you.

    How he went about this is completely wrong.

    He should have come to you, and discussed it, saying he wanted to learn how to be financially responsible, and that he now has a chance to do that. He should have worked on a relationship budget with you, working out ratios based on earnings, for the different expenses, you both should have gotten new accounts, changing the current one into the relationship joint account.

    This way he could have still been in control of his financial situation and still support you, and keep the relationship healthy.

    Other than you both needing to sit down and talk, not sure what else you can do.

  8. So.. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who would say:

    I'm a little fuzzy on what you mean by “attacked”. If you haven't already, could you please elaborate, the more details the better.


  9. He’s so disrespectful that there’s no point in continuing the relationship. It almost seems intentional. Maybe he’s taking some pleasure out of seeing how far you’ll inconvenience yourself for him. Very disturbing. I don’t think this is some small thing. Just ghost him honestly, that’s about the amount of respect he’s showing you.

  10. If you consider the amount of effort and care you have for your partner, do you get the same amount back? Do you feel like she is trying as hot as you are? I’m not just talking about sex but with all aspects of the relationship. I think that would say a lot.

  11. Let him know that money was specifically for the vacation you had originally intended and it will be used as such. Plan B was only because you were pregnant so it's back to Plan A.

    You've been through hell and you deserve that extra. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  12. Time to cut your losses. Pre cheating is not a thing. Your gf needs help, but not from you. You need to end things and move on.

  13. So in other words, consistently call for the next 5 – 10 years until he's gone. This isn't just some one and done. I'm not asking to be told to just get over it, I'm asking on how to get over it so I can better deal with this

  14. It was my second time ever doing anything with anyone and he knew that. The day before he tried to sleep with me and kept saying he wasn’t gonna wear one even if I brought him one

  15. How is the financial side of the summer trip being managed?

    Is there some sort of gift/treat involved or are you joining the trip on your own dime?

  16. Funny. Your knee-jerk reaction to discount what “liberals” say would seem to refute that position.

  17. There are 44 million MORE men in the world than women. You will meet someone just as compatible, if not more so, who also doesn’t hate you and is capable of treating you with love and respect instead of disdain and disgust. You do not deserve disdain and disgust. Get out of this relationship and free yourself up for someone who actually loves you for being you, like you deserve.

  18. Lol, dude, you can do better. Your friends are steering you down the right path from the looks of it.

  19. If you pass on this for him, every time you struggle with your career or finances afterwards, you will resent him. It has a good chance of destroying this relationship no matter what side you pick, so pick the option that gives you personal growth.

    Tell him you want to take it. Discuss whether you’re each willing to do a LDR for longer or have him relocate with you. Talk about amicable separation when the time comes to move, if the other options aren’t going to work.

    If this job pays well enough, you can fly instead of drive. You’re already familiar with LDR planning, this just gives you a different hurdle to plan around. It’s only whether you’re willing.


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