Yereth-Lewis on-line sex cams for YOU!

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34 thoughts on “Yereth-Lewis on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. ok #1 that all happened a year ago. a lot of time had past since then. we barely even talked much since then. so one could reasonably assumed she no longer liked me to the point of not wanting to hookup without a relationship. i think she still was attracted to me though and all that. she was uber flirtatious the days leading up to this. and what's wrong with 2 people hooking up if they find each other attractive. and if she didnt like me, then why does it MATTER that i said i liked someone else? why is everybody saying im a terrible preson if she no longer likes me in that way and if she just wanted to hookup too… #2 even if she still liked me still, then that is exactly my point. she is pretending she didnt like me and that's where she went wrong. she is being insincere and trying to pretend to be cool and aloof when she really truly liked me? why not admit it. why pretend? that's the part i wanted to call her out on.

  2. You need to have a heart to heart w her in a calm situation and explain you just want to clear the air and fix things. When she clarifies the issues, perhaps you need to take notes as you need to have a conversation w your folks if you want them to be a part of your family life. Make is crystal clear to folks the expected guidelines they need to follow and if they cannot do this they will be on the outside looking in. You need to support your wife and make an attempt to have everyone play nice.

  3. This is beyond concerning. His soon to be ex girlfriend (STBXG) is choosing her ex over him and allowing him to sleep over. That’s a recipe for disaster and disrespectful of their relationship. There’s no justifying it

  4. “You’re too sensitive” really means “I get to be mean to you and you just have to take it”

    I don’t know what his weird hang up is with you being unwell, but you need to figure it out. He gets up upset when you have your period?? He does realize this will be monthly for at least the next 20 years???

    How does he “force” you to eat when you are vomiting?

    Why won’t he bring you water and tea to keep you hydrated?

    What happens if you two decide to have children ? Morning sickness, aches and pains, exhaustion – and that’s just a “normal” pregnancy with nothing severe- what about if something goes wrong and you are put in bedrest? What about after giving birth- stitches, exhaustion, sore breasts??

    What happens if you have something serious happen? A couple of years ago I broke my leg and needed help with everything for 12 weeks. If I didn’t have my husband caring for me I don’t know what I’ve done.

    This is all serious. You are 10 yrs younger, living in a foreign country, with only him as your support and you can’t count on him to do the basics when you’re not feeling well.

    You have to bring these concerns to his attention.

  5. casual sex means so little to me that i can totally see myself forgetting to mention it – the problem is that sex means much much more to other ppl and you'll never convince them otherwise.

    it's taken age and experience to understand that im the anomoly here and whilst i have no regrets with regards to my sex life, i wish i had a better understanding of how those differences affected other ppl – not just for their sake either, i shot myself in the foot a few times expecting that others would just understand my point of view. OP needs to realise that you need to frame situations through the lens of those you care about (and that they're not always capable – especially when they're upset – of doing the same for you).

    it means a lot to the gf and im betting it meant enough to the best friend if she thought to bring it up. that should be enough for him to understand that gf feels betrayed by what amounts to a lie and why the bf now has a motive..

  6. No most people in the US are religious and not gay. It's really only people on the internet who obsess over gay. The rest of us really don't think about it at all because we're too busy with our jobs and families to waste time obsessing over whether strangers wives aren't gay enough.

  7. Hire a cleaning service instead of bitching about the housework. Support your wife and get her help so she can recover from the hell she's been through physically and mentally.

    You have no idea what it's been like for her. The years of suffering with endometriosis, the surgery for it, recovering, then another surgery. Did anyone help her with the kids after her surgeries or did you expect her to do it all? Pull your head out of your ass. She's suffering and struggling.

    Take some time off work and take care of the kids. Let her rest and talk to her about getting her to the Doctor for a med check if she's still on them and therapy. If you on-line in the US and your work and you qualify, you can get FMLA. That will give you 12 unpaid weeks to take care of her. Plus your vacation time. Again she needs help big time.

  8. This girl knows your bf is taken, so there is nothing for her to gain by declaring her love for him

    That’s not exactly true. For some women, the sheer conquest of stealing another woman’s man is what they gain. They get off on the power

  9. I can't tell what's stranger, their determination / repetition, or the weird misspells when there's no filter to avoid

  10. Some people can love another person and not be physically attracted to them but still have a fulfilling romantic relationship with them.

    I couldn't, personally. And it doesn't sound like you could, either.

    I'm sure he's a wonderful guy. But if you are just not attracted to him, you can't make that not be an issue by just repeating “attraction doesn't matter” . It DOES matter.

    I get it's hard being long distance to gauge whether you'd be attracted to him. But there are workarounds. Can you have a video call with him? Or can he do short videos for you and send them – you could ask him to take a video to show you around his town, or something like that. Something where you would see him 'in action' so to speak, not just a picture.

    That might help you figure out more clearly if there's any attraction there. I think you need to try this, or any other ways of gathering info you can think of – if you two have been in contact for two years already, and it might be a long while more before you could meet in real life, the disappointment will be all the more crushing for both of you if you realize then that you're not physically attracted. Do what you can to figure out sooner if you could be attracted or not, rather than breaking both your hearts somewhere down the road.

  11. Well, Im not sure I can be just friends with someone who I wanted a future together with and still do. 🙂 About that therapist part, not sure what will he help me with.

  12. Yes, this about sums it up. At his worst, it feels like I'm arguing with a child, like he views me as someone like a parent who will offer unconditional love. During arguments, I've literally brought this up. It's completely fair to be upset, but that doesn't give him the right to completely invalidate and neglect my emotions and say whatever he wants. I'm well aware that we often project the most onto those we are closest to since we feel it's their duty to understand and comfort us, almost by reading our minds. I try to be self-conscious of this happening, but my boyfriend is clearly very emotionally stunted and does not understand how to effectively resolve conflict. For me, the most important part of an apology is stating how you will improve or how this will be prevented moving forward (which I've verbalized many times). But he often is insincere, almost telling me in an automated voice the words that he things I want to hear for us to get better. Of course there is a bit of a language barrier, but it's the tone itself that does not sound sincere. He's so close, yet so far. I know that he does love me, but his solution to resolving arguments is to sweep them under the rug rather than him trying to improve. The fact that he's able to acknowledge his mistreatment means that he is able to prevent it, yet he still claims he can't change.

  13. TIL honest and direct communication is being a dick.

    I actually thought they wrote that pretty nicely. What exactly about their response makes them “such a dick?”

  14. Yeah, what she did doesn't make any sense cause you only go to concerts as basically a gift to her. So her buying you tickets to a concert, albiet for a band you like,bis ultimately a present for her. Definitely talk to her about it. Tell her you appreciate the present but that you don't understand why she got them for you when she knows you don't actually enjoy concerts at all bc of your anxiety. Tell her you'd prefer if she didn't do that again. Personally, I definitely feel as if she was being selfish.

  15. My spouse is very visual, but also does not take notice of many things around the house that need to get done on a regular or special basis.

    I'd first let him google the term “emotional load” and read the article “she divorced me because I left the dishes by the sink” and “you should have asked”.

    The chores board usually doesn't resolve the core issue.

  16. Do NOT have kids with this abusive woman.!!You need to leave her. No one has the right to put their hands on you !! Leave her.

  17. Well you'd be really much better off keeping any kind of pill or capsule and an air type uncrushable pill box

  18. I’ll be so mad if you don’t dump this guy over text OP. Just get on with your life, he and his friends are such garbage.

  19. I wonder how many women are willing and eager to fulfill OPs bf's every fantasy.

    Probably far fewer than there are men willing and eager to make OPs day…and night.

    Bf should consider the law of unintended consequences.

    Not that he will. Until its far too late. OP dump this pair of clown shoes off at the nearest Goodwill, I mean Tinder.

  20. He thinks kissing other people is not cheating. I was like what do you mean, yes it is I see kissing as cheating, even if I didn’t see it as cheating I see it as mad disrespectful Last night, I kiss my best friend on the lips

    If you're going to feel that strongly about kissing = cheating, don't you think you should on-line up to your own expectations?

    By your own argument, if everyone here agrees that its cheating, you would be admitting your own guilt and would be giving him a reason to be upset.

    I think you should focus more on this:

    He said he would NEVER kiss another person and he knows my views on that and he respects that

    And do away with this:

    I kinda think it’s weird that he doesn’t consider a kiss as cheating.

    Because you literally just kissed another person and are now generating a conflict because he didn't consider that to be cheating.

  21. I gave a cheater a second chance, it's only because of children though and the fact that I have no desire to start again with someone else. It's her or being single and honestly either is fine.

  22. As a woman I have to say that I would be very uncomfortable with this dynamic between you and your ex if I were your boyfriend. Continuously wearing the jewelry, the co-parenting a dog??? You guys haven’t even come close to severing the bond and most future partners are going to pick up on that. Your boyfriend may have an insecurity, but I don’t think you’re ready to date.

  23. I don't get this. Love is love. Dogs and children have the biggest capacity for love than anything. It's not stressful

  24. “”Comment Rule 2:** Keep it civil. No insults, no threats of violence, no encouraging violence, no harassment, no trolling, no advertising other subs, no spam. You will be banned. All bans in this sub are permanent. You don't get a free pass.

  25. It’s pretty good, I wouldn’t say the best. I think over the years it’s kinda gotten worst. Once his son died he changed obviously so. Which I was with him when his son passed and took all the “beatings” from him emotionally cuz I figured how would I feel and it’s not personal that he’s hurting ya know. But as the years went on I feel it’s become more one sided. He doesn’t ignore me really I would say. I feel it’s just he’s more selfish and I’m not a selfish person at all. But this is the one thing I’ve said multiple times if he could please maybe give me a little more love and comfort and help during that time and he maybe will say yea but it’s never done. Now I’m not gunna act like he’s just some straight a-hole but he definitely can be. I feel he does support me to a degree but he also makes me feel he doesn’t think about my feelings it’s just about how he feels. I have a job, registered nursing college full time and do all the house stuff and errands and anything he likes but I don’t get that in return.


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