YooRaa on-line webcams for YOU!

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23 thoughts on “YooRaa on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Well I think that's probably for the best. You 2 can settle down and talk about things. I'm sure he'll understand once he thinks about things. Being drunk makes insecurities come out and I think that's what happened to him but that is something that can be worked on. It's probably best to not make any concrete decisions right now. You'll be OK.

  2. He clearly doesn't care about your feelings, so he can't care too much about you. Stop giving and see how long he sticks around. …Wake up!

  3. This might not be the inappropriate actions you think in her mind. She is possibly transferring her, missing her friend into a closeness with you as a surrogate. You need to set boundaries but also be gentle. She might be totally unaware of her actions. Be kind and understanding, but also let her know that you are in a relationship you value.

  4. This is kind of how I feel to be honest. I've been in relationships with jealous pets that needless to say went out of their way to compete with attention from my partner. It reminds me a bit of the show Archer, and Mallory's affection to her late dog.

  5. I know that’s what I would want to hear from her, but I’m not sure that’s what she wants from me now. Not saying you’re wrong, maybe a few more days and I can drop something like this. I told her that I didn’t want to be in limbo for too long, so I’m hoping by the weekend I’ll get some kind of answer. I’m a wreck, checking my phone every minute hoping she’s sent some kind of text. I get the odd one but it’s still us orchestrating moving out of our old house…like I said though we crossed paths once at the new place and I said I think very good things about her, how she feels, and what I want from the relationship

  6. Just like he should've talked instead of going silent treatment… Like I've said repeatedly, OP should do what he wants, but if he's asking a reddit sub for advice part of him wants to stay, and everyone is focusing on “fucking other people,” that's NOT necessarily what opening a relationship means. People don't have to communicate PERFECTLY in order to deserve conversing… also we don't know what happened previously. Maybe she DID raise issues, maybe this was a last resort SOLUTION to save the relationship. IF OP wants to stay, there are OTHER ways to look at this, that's ALL I'm saying.

  7. ugh I feel for you and your situation, especially it being your first relationship. I agree that often in college being in group settings and friends with your ex are more accepted because you all go to school together, have shared friend groups and such. A 2 year relationship is no joke emotionally, especially in college. It sounds like you got together at MOST 2 months after her break up. Who ended their relationship, and what led to the break up? Is she receptive to your concerns, have you voiced them clearly?

    Everyone’s specific boundaries look a little different, so using the context you have about their “friendship” you should figure out what you are and are not comfortable with, set those boundaries clearly with her by expressing your discomfort calmly and saying you want to be in a relationship that has respect for each other. Respect to you regarding exes looks like, for example, getting her stuff back from his house, distancing herself from him, not hanging out alone, not going to him over you for advice. If she’s not comfortable enough with you yet (it’s only been 2 months) that’s what her girl friends are for, not her ex.

    Your relationship is very new so I’m sure she is still having confusion and other feelings but she needs to move on fully from him and be invested in your relationship if she is serious about moving forward with you. It really seems like she has one foot in each relationship at the moment and truthfully, if she is not willing to separate herself from him more then she is not ready to be in a relationship with you. You’re right that you can’t force them apart, but you can state your own personal boundaries for staying in the relationship. If she isn’t willing to work with you on them, you don’t want to be in that relationship. This can be so difficult when emotions are involved but better to do sooner rather than hurt yourself over and over if she doesn’t change her relationship with him. I promise that if it’s not her, you will find other people who you connect with deeply who are invested in YOU and you deserve that.

  8. You seem like you are looking for things to fight about with your partner. Getting mad at him because of something someone else said. Grow up. You are soft and need to not let what other people say hurt your feelings. Then when they do don’t look to take it out on your “loved” ones. I can only imagine the day to day whining that you do. I bet it’s insufferable

  9. If you have an opinion- state it kindly and with love.

    Sometimes people need to hear from their loved one, in a loving way, the differing opinion.

  10. I told him to me he’s like a breath of fresh air and no matter what happens in life he’ll always make it trough with his hard work. I let him know the things I love. I also never said anything about being upset with him not spending money on me I mentioned he’s struggling and I fully support him. Maybe I wasn’t clear enough, but by I wished he did more, I meant put more effort into finding little things for us to do together, do research and find new spots.

  11. I'm with you, I can't even kiss my husband when he stinks when he gets home. He gets a quick peck and that's that. I have a super sensitive sense of smell, so my family is used to me noticing though. Hubs has morning soaps and night time soaps, or I get a migraine.

    I try to be nice about it, but after reminding my teenager to shower and change his pjs (it's been in the high 30s C/low 100s F the past few days), today I walked into the house after the morning out and said “THE WHOLE HOUSE SMELLS LIKE PITS” he went and took a shower immediately.

    Basic hygiene is a very low bar.

  12. It doesn’t need to be a huge break up. Send him a text message. Say that you know he lied to you about who he was meeting up with and that it’s over.

  13. Maybe you can offer a compromise, like once a week you meet him at the park and let them spend time together?

  14. It's a sunken cost fallacy.

    Don't keep investing just because you've already invested 2 years.

    Take both cats. Divide them up. Or give both to him.

    Pick an option.

    Shit like this turns into strong resentment the longer it goes on.

  15. I slept with a married woman that is transparent with her husband, this is not wrong IMO. I don’t know if my sister is in an opened relationship with her boyfriend so I don’t know if she was doing something wrong and this plus the fear of damaging our relationship if I bring the topic to her is what makes this so tough to me 🙁

  16. Damn…. I really liked Stranger Things because of STEEEEVE… guess I'm a pedo now, because it has actual kids in it.

  17. Take photos of yourself cooking and cleaning, wearing some kind of tight little shorts or something. I saw something like this online once and thought it was super cute. If that is over the top, I think just a few messages letting her know how amazing she is and how you can't wait to see her. See what messages really make her feel great and then do more of them.

  18. It’s been her way or the highway the entire time. She’s just been subtly reminding me of that over the years. This kind of abuse can take a long time for the abuser to come to their senses and realize what’s going on which is why I can understand some people on here think I’m the asshole. It also doesn’t help that I’m the husband and she’s the wife.


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