ZaraEve live! sex cams for YOU!

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46 thoughts on “ZaraEve live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. You did the right thing here, with respect and explanation. You have to be okay yourself to grow and be the best you can in a relationship! Best of luck!

  2. Its not about the money it's the I'm not home enough cause I'm always on the road, I told her if she wants to work she can, granted there are time she dips into my maintenance fund but she has been bitching about me not being there all the time

  3. u/chilli-bot, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  4. I think unless you’ve been the victim of a dedicated barrage of harassment it’s impossible to say what’s safer. People react in different ways to protect themselves. Being out as trans makes you vulnerable. Besides, if a coworker or something swipes on your profile and sees that you’re trans, suddenly you’re outed at work. Not always safe.

  5. u/TotalMeal3935, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  6. Dude, fucking date her. What negative trait are you seeing that you're clearly think is there? Too perfect? She digs you to boot. My stars. I am no scientist, but I think I have found the most dense object on earth.

  7. If you get a text apologizing and saying he passed out or something (basically anything other than he was an an accident)…ignore it. Do not answer him. Celebrate Christmas tomorrow, let him sit in his own guilt. He will be very well aware of what he did wrong.

    He will probably blow up your phone after a while. IGNORE THIS.

    Do not respond until Monday, and give him a time/place you can get together to discuss what happened. He will agree to anything at that point.

  8. She’s right. Sleep in the guest room if you’re going to bed really late like 1-2am so the baby doesn’t wake up. This won’t be forever, and baby will grow out of this phase I promise. Don’t get too in your head about it.

  9. Friends that he has known since he was 14 years old he did not write how long he's been with his girlfriend. Is his money he can spend it any f****** way he wants to

  10. Hello /u/sunshinebebe,

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  11. I forget the texting doesn’t reveal nuances. I didn’t mean to judge you so nude. You know when you meet the one all that stuff doesn’t even really matter you know them. It’s sort of like going home only a place I never experienced in this life until recently. In the men in my life are not bad to me. It’s just. Good luck to you.

  12. Please don’t marry her or get her pregnant. If you don’t feel respected in a relationship, it is time to get out.

  13. Make sure you go through a lawyer first rather than the police she'll be able to weasel her way out of a friendly chat with police officers. But a letter from a scary law firm and initiating proceedings against her that way is a very different story.

    Then explain to the family what's happened and that you and your wife will no longer be in the same room as this woman again. She has assaulted you and has been abusing your wife for years. Enough is enough.

    What an ugly person she is. I hope you're wife's ok. I have no doubt she is more beautiful in every way and that it drives her psycho sister completely mad.

  14. I'll agree with lying/hiding the truth being a big problem here.

    By the way, I remember your name from some time ago. We seem to have little conversations in this sub fairly often. I'm also a huge of The Expanse.

  15. It's normal to want to look and enjoy looking. It's good manners not to be obvious about it, especially around your partner. He absolutely can control it.

  16. Yeah that's true. It feels so.. I can't even put words to it. He abused her trust here and should be taken accountable for it

  17. Hopefully you won't stay his gf for long… get rid!

    You deserve way better than this numpty ❤️

  18. Work closely with doctors. And I’m not anti-psychiatry at all. But many psychiatrists have 0 self awareness when it comes to how they treat people on everyday interactions.

  19. It doesn’t matter if it hurts or not, it’s spousal abuse. One day she will pick something up and hit or stab you with it and cause real damage. She absolutely will hit any kids you have with her. She has anger issues and no impulse control.

  20. You post some dumb stuff. You're his rebound. He's using you. You're not getting what you want. End the relationship.

  21. Thank you so much. I think that’s what I needed to hear. It just sucks things ending like this between us.

  22. You were an adult who made adult decisions. Next you’ll say kids can’t consent to transitioning genders

  23. As someone who went through a similar thing, it’s much less painful to leave now. Start fresh. Life will be good again. Focus on new and exciting things and the world will be your oyster man.

  24. Im not saying shes a saint but shes pregnant. You should be taking on a majority of the chores and helping take care of her. Being pregnant is no cake walk and she needs to avoid doing alot while pregnant for a healthy pregnancy. Im sure if she wasnt pregnant she probably wouldnt seem so demanding and might return those favors obviously idk her enough but yeah. I mean shes hormonal on top of that, so shes probably just feelin all over the place emotionally. You wanting to say its ur house is a slap in the face to her cuz i mean technically thats her house now too. Yall share a living space and not everyone lives the same way and yall r in a relationship so u have to be willing to adapt n compromise same w her. Living together before anything serious is a big deal it makes or breaks relationships because ur basically test running if you wanna spend the rest of ur life w someone or not. Again her being pregnant makes it a little more complicated cuz things might not be like that if she wasnt. You just need to communicate w each other.

  25. He's practicing urine therapy. You need to address this with him before he goes coocoo off the deep end. The fact that it stopped and then started again is the tell tale sign.

    He can't smell it himself so he thinks you're nose blind to it also and will just put up with it. I don't know what his reasoning could be but that would be your main motivation to ask him, why? And to cut it out.

  26. If it’s not the 40 minutes it’s not worth it to smoke. Smoking inside someone else’s property very likely violates their housing agreement. It’s also fucking disgusting. You blatantly disrespected a clear boundary and are now dealing with the aftermath. She’s done with you so leave her alone.

  27. Don't worry, they were nice to him at the moment, but they aren't going to let him make another appointment there. When he calls, they will tell him they are booked solid for 6 months.

  28. i find it really interesting that you're absolutely against porn in that it is an awful industry to the point it's a dealbreaker (for the record, i feel the same way and am very against it), yet you cannot comprehend somebody might be against participating in frivolous spending and supporting a terrible industry? did you also support getting a diamond ring?

    I absolutely want to get married. My preferred method would be to go to the courthouse and sign a document doing away with all this unnecessary bullshit, or elope. I don't like participating in what is a blatant money grubbing and unsustainable industry. We've been together 11 years and have lived together for most of it, a wedding is not going to change my life. Neither is marriage TBH, but it is a formality I would like to complete.

    fuck off breeder

  29. I just looked up what a josie top is and it does appear to cover the boobies, so I don't see the problem.

  30. I just talked to him and he himself is upset at how mad he gets so there is that. Any strategies for him?

  31. You say you don’t want to break his heart but it doesn’t sound like it’s working for him either. Do yourselves both the favour and cut it. No use sinking more time if you’re unhappy.

  32. Yes, honestly throughout our entire relationship that has been a trend. This whole thread has been eye opening for me. He and I will be having a very serious discussion tonight. I love him more than I can possibly explain, but if this continues then the relationship as a whole is not sustainable and I will not allow my son to possibly be subjected to the same treatment.

  33. Get your money back and then dump his abusive thieving ass. I would have lost me ever FUCKING MIND if that was me.


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