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oceanlillilive sex stripping with LIVE Cams

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Room for live sex video chat oceanlilli

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Birth Date: 1990-09-05

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Subculture: subcultureHousewives

34 thoughts on “oceanlillilive sex stripping with LIVE Cams

  1. He has a porn addiction, and with his fetishes, normal sex isn't enough for him. If he refuses to admit it or get help, things will only get worse for you!

  2. You think it's weird and creepy for 18 year olds to date 68 year olds but you aren't judging it?

    I put out a simple question. You failed to answer it. Please virtue signal somewhere else, guy with nothing to contribute.

  3. Yeah, but you would notice he would want sex or do sexual things whenever his with you. Its having all the fun without actually responsibilities and he can do other people if he wants without feeling guilty.

  4. It's cheating, and not at all normal. Even if he didn't meet up with her in person, it's still clear what their intentions were. Get out before it happens again.

    People saying it's normal are probably talking about the fact that some men can be in love, but despite this they still won't be satisfied with just one woman, if that's the case then he should've been clear that he was not interested in a monogamous relationship. If you already agreed to be exclusive, and he did this anyways, then that trust has been lost and will never be regained.

  5. He’s a Yink!!!

    This one, I think, is called a Yink. He likes to wink, he likes to drink. He likes to drink, and drink, and drink. The thing he likes to drink is ink. The ink he likes to drink is pink. He likes to wink and drink pink ink. (Dr. Seuss, One Fish Two Fish)

  6. If you don't want to date a girl who dresses like that don't date a girl who dresses like that. Simple as that.

  7. You snooped – you dont need to be in a relationship.

    Guys text shit like that all the time. I always text things like “ima get rid of the ole hag next week and pick up a hot young thing” or “dude she doesnt want me to golf this weekend, you think the courts will allow me to divorce her by saturday”.

  8. Good for your MIL. I have tolerance for a lot in relationships but cheating is not one. Any partner of mine who cheats no matter how long or short is immediately out!

  9. Wow, so your wife is having a conversation with someone, you interrupted and your solution is to mute the phone so the other person doesn’t know? You guys suck. Think how that would play in real life without the phone. Friend is in the middle of talking and you both shut her up so you guys can talk. Do you not see how rude that is? Your wife doesn’t have the decency to say “hey sorry my husband wants to talk with me can we finish this later?” Or say to you “hey I’m on the phone with a friend can we talk after?” You act like you guys have such great communication about her weight gain and are so mature you can tell her you’re not attracted to her when she’s fat but you can’t handle a simple social situation?

  10. Wow. Just…. wow. Why do people even HAVE sex with that shitty dipshits???

    Big hugs sis. What the damn hell

  11. u/Fair_Snow2955, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  12. Hello /u/Jolly_Technology6192,

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  13. Living together after 5 months..? Sounds like she needed to lean on you and is now bailing. But at least the daughter knew about you. That would give me peace of mind about being the other man. Sounds like they were actually split up.

  14. Hello /u/jsolarie,

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  15. I don't think he would go along with it again. When he picked me up from the airport, he said, “I'm glad you had a great time, but let's not do that again.” He used the time to work on his hobbies, but I know he really loves the beach and he felt really bad he couldn't go.

  16. Drugs. Im thinking hot drugs. Thats why the door HAS to be shut.

    Theres something very fishy going on here.

  17. I'm so sorry you have to go through this. But don't be afraid that your son will automatically latch to the same theories as his father.. as he becomes more independent and educated, he will form his own values. We are luckily not exact copies of our parents

  18. Yes leave her. You don’t flush condoms at all, wrap them in tissue and put them in the bin.

  19. She also used a comment made to someone else to start a fight in her relationship. Your dad shouldn’t have told you about any of that. It’s not your business to be dragged into. And her feelings aren’t your responsibility. Making demands like that isn’t okay.

    If this woman really wants a happy healthy blended family relationship in the future then she’s gonna have to put in the time and effort required, that doesn’t just get handed to you.

  20. LDR are very hot…some people do better than others. The biggest problem is you only know what they want you to know. A lot of women make the mistake of becoming what they think the man they are dating wants. Unfortunately as time goes on their true colors show and the man realizes hes been duped and doesnt really know her.

    It's so easy to put on a facade when you live! so far away. She may seem perfect but you know shes really not…nobody is.

    Definitely back away…let her reach out. It might take a few weeks or even months if she met someone else closer. But its up to her to fix this…you can't do it for her. I honestly think she'll call you in a month or two with regret of how she handled this or that she misses you.

  21. I have money in my savings right now but that’s being used to pay the bills cause I’m not working.

  22. Look even if it was something about you, you're both clearly better off now. What do you gain by asking him about it now? Neither of you need the feedback at this point. Keep him in your past and enjoy your life with your supposedly great new husband, who definitely wouldn't appreciate you trying to get closure from your ex of 8 years.

  23. You weren't ready for a wedding and rather than listen, they traumatised you by stealing a precious item.

    They are all horrible and need to go jump in a lake. They should be ashamed, not you.

  24. Next if…

    -She hooked Up with Friends

    -She like party like 4am with his all single Girls groups( she is include in this group she is single when Cross the out and not when she the Cross the door in)

    -her BEST friend is a male(Sure she not know that him is waitin his turn to see her in 4)

    -Uncontrolled alcohol drink

  25. Very shortly after I made this post, he asked to hangout the following day, and I told him I was busy. He then got onto a “woe is me” rant and further accused me of avoiding him. So I told him how I felt, and he tried pinning it back on me. I blocked him on every social media avenue, and good riddance. I have other friends who are caring and we share mutual respect, that also made me further realize I don’t need toxicity in my life.


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