Paulaturbay live! sex chats for YOU!

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34 thoughts on “Paulaturbay live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. I think your boyfriend may have a serious problem. I’m not an expert but you might want to look into public health or mental health resources in your area or online, and seek advice for friends and family of alcoholics. There are people who drink more than other people and that may or not be a problem, but personality changes, aggressive behaviour, not remembering things you did/said while intoxicated, and particularly if it happens regularly, is not healthy or safe for either of you. This is all based on the assumption you want to stay with him and keep him healthy. I’m sure other posters will just say run, which is of course an option. This is not an issue that will get better on its own.

  2. I am convinced this sub is at least 50% guys who share these stories just to get a rise out of people… This is the millionth post of a guy with no self-respect and a cheating girlfriend who just doesn't quite know what to do… At least I tell myself it's made up, to get by…

  3. Are you fucking kidding me?

    She fucking put another man on the phone to you to berate you into “letting” him fuck her, berate you into “letting her” cheat on you, and you kept this trash bag in your life?

    Stupidest decision you’ve ever made, I guarantee it. Jesus, where’s your spine?

    It’s not like you have to do anything hot to break up with her, just tell her you’re done and block her number, she’s long distance FFS. You must just love being treated like dogshit.

  4. I….would encourage you to interrogate your feelings on this one a bit. Because as others have mentioned, non diamond has become more popular in recent years.

    You’re totally entitled to feel however you want about the ring, but the way you describe it, it kinda sounds like some of this is coming from the feeling that it’s not a more typical engagement ring that most people get. Is it that? Or is it really not what you think of as an engagement ring, one that you want. That’s totally fine if it’s not!

    Others have said he put thought into it, which he did, props there, but IMO where he went wrong was modeling after a ring that’s already on your possession. It would make sense that you wouldn’t think of this ring as an engagement ring for that reason.

    Anyway, my advice is just to think about it for a little longer. You’re not wrong that many couples — maybe even most — discuss the ring before the proposal, btw.

  5. Try a DNA test, c'mon….if thats really an issue for you, you would have thought of that.

    She's checked out.

    BTW this is so typical a question here, almost word for word. Does everyone have this issue these days?

  6. Do you masturbate personally? Do you know what your body likes when YOU do it? Or are you jumping into everything blind? It shouldn’t hurt so much, no, and I would go to the doctors like others are saying. However it could be that he’s just.. not very good in bed.

  7. You’re young. To raise a child to full adulthood in this lifetime, it costs an arm, leg and more. So what’s right for you and only you.

  8. She will say a few words, but she treats me just like she treats any other guest. I guess I'm asking, am I wrong for wanting more than that?

  9. Yeah, based on the post title, I thought she dumped him because he was unemployed, but there are at least a dozen other reasons to dump him in the post. I’m glad OP’s out of this relationship.

  10. u/Heyhowareyou87, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  11. Unless your cats have a Masters in a mental health specialism then they aren't qualified to be his therapist. If he truly wants to improve his outlook on life then maybe he should stop being a shitty pet owner and get off his arse to walk his dog every day. Outdoor exercise isn't a cure-all but it can definitely help.

    Also get BOTH cats chipped in your name ASAP. Make sure that you, and you alone, are the legally recognised owner.

  12. It is odd and hot to make friends as an adult. I've been there, done that. That's why I suggested joining a group for something you're interested in. Book club, hiking, crocheting, foodies, etc. I'm pretty sure there are groups for everything these days.

  13. You need to dump this guy. He’s manipulating you into feeling guilty about something you should NOT feel guilty about. He’s cheating with his co-worker and that was just a way of trying to get you to think nothings happening.

    He will now use this repeatedly to guilt you, so he can freely cheat on her while you look after him.

    You deserve better! This is bullshit! My ex husband pulled something similar with his co-worker and at their company dinner they walked out of the venue in front of me hand in hand.

    Oh, but he never slept with her, cause she’s “fat”, so he definitely wasn’t atttacted to her.

    He straight up sucked. I’m so much happier without him.

    Leave girl!!!

  14. You need to dump this guy. He’s manipulating you into feeling guilty about something you should NOT feel guilty about. He’s cheating with his co-worker and that was just a way of trying to get you to think nothings happening.

    He will now use this repeatedly to guilt you, so he can freely cheat on her while you look after him.

    You deserve better! This is bullshit! My ex husband pulled something similar with his co-worker and at their company dinner they walked out of the venue in front of me hand in hand.

    Oh, but he never slept with her, cause she’s “fat”, so he definitely wasn’t atttacted to her.

    He straight up sucked. I’m so much happier without him.

    Leave girl!!!

  15. I’m 40 and I care what my Mom thinks and if she would approve or not. Guess I’m in a different state of life ?‍♀️

  16. I get accused of this too but I just care intensely for people and I like paying attention to what makes them happy. Sounds like that's how you are too. I think the therapist friend maybe needs to chill lol

  17. Both are telling you you should be respecting that this person is not open for dating, pursuing someone who said either can be seen as disrespectful and rightly so.

  18. Thanks, great advice. Will speak to him and if nothing changes over the next few days I think sadly it's a sign to end things. If he's like this long-term, I can't see this working out.

  19. Your “perfect life” currently involves getting lied to by your spouse while she goes out with other men. This woman doesn't respect you – she needs to leave

  20. I don't kniw what to tell. She either does a lot to win your trust again, a lot things that might be inconvenient to her. This, or she will keep doing these things. Make your choice, are you fine staying with serial liar and cheater?

  21. OP, this literally just looks like a bruise that could be from literally anything. I get bruises like this on my body all the time and I don’t ever know where they’re from…some of us just bruise really easy.

    Are there any other actual reasons for this insecurity or is all of this based on a bruise?

    If my husband was asking me about a bruise I got…a month after I got it…I would be really worried about the level of insecurity being projected.

  22. i ended it and sort of came off rude but it had to be done i cudnt put up with her games anymore

  23. Just let her leave, honey. It sucks, but y’all are not on the same page and you’re not going to be. You’re being responsible trying to get the important things done first. She’s not thinking about this logically, and her mind likely won’t be changed.

  24. You cant choose your family but you can choose who you sleep with. F your family, they can spend their time with that cheating piece of shit, but you dont have to.

  25. Ah okay I think the headline made it sound like a recurring fight. But I still suggest the book.

  26. He’s threatening to dump you because he’s worried other men will treat you the way he treats other women. Dump him. He doesn’t respect you or your relationship. He lies and does what he wants. Why do you think you deserve so little from a partner?

  27. There’s so many things that he does it feels like he doesn’t care at all but i’m still here just trying to overlook it but it’s coming to the point where i’m starting to compare our relationship to others, and i’m like i deserve better than this honestly. I will apologise for shouting but deep down i don’t even think he deserves it, he doesn’t value my time or respect me. he wasn’t late when his sister booked him cinema tickets so why is he an hour late when i book him tickets? he just doesn’t care.


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